Holy Week Schedule at St Andrew’s
Maundy Thursday
The name Maundy Thursday derives from a linguistic corruption of the Gospel word in Latin, “Mandatum novum.” I give you a “new commandment.” To show this love Christ got down on His knees before the meal and washed the Apostle’s feet one by one. It also marks the beginning of the commemoration of the Passion and Death of Our Lord, signified visually by the stripping of the altar.
6:00pm Simple supper-Salad and soup. Please sign to bring salad or soup
6:30 pm Seder Meal
7:00 pm Foot Washing
7:45 pm Communion
8:15 pm Stripping of the altar.
Good Friday
12 noon Good Friday Service
The most important events in Christianity are the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Good Friday is a day of mourning in church, meditating on Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for our faith.
7:00 pm Tennebrae and Taize
The Latin word, “Tennebrae” means “shadows: “In the sixth hour and there was darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour.” (Luke 23:44). The spiritual darkness Jesus experienced was conveyed by 4 successive events. The service of Tennebrae seeks to convey a sense of spiritual darkness.
Great Easter Vigil and Baptism
5:00 pm Easter Vigil and Baptism
The Easter Vigil, a remnant of prayerful watches through the night hours common in the early Church, can present a challenge in the fast-paced world of today. Yet, Holy Week is not complete without the Easter Vigil, as it is the culmination of our sacred observances and the beginning of the celebration of Our Lord’s Resurrection. The Vigil is four liturgies combined: The Lighting of the New Fire, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of Baptism and Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows, and the first Eucharist of Easter.
8:00 am Easter Worship Service
9:15 am Children Easter Egg Hunt.
10:00 am Easter Worship Service
Easter Day is the greatest feast if the Christian Year, and it should be celebrated with all possible splendor and solemnity. This is a time of great celebration and rejoicing in our redemption.