Celebrating 100 years: 1921- 2021

The Great Vigil of Easter

03 Apr 2021 | 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

The Easter Lilies decorating the altar have been donated by: Al & Cathy Salmon with thanksgiving; David Cheney & Judy Messer for Barry, Crystal, Alice and Mitra; Patty & Charlie Peterson in thanksgiving for our family; Carolyn Lorden in memory of loved ones; Bart Newsom in memory of Karen; Donna Morales in memory of mother Evelyn; Humberto & Amber Garcia in memory of loved ones; Elizabeth Cramer in memory of Gerald Johnson and Christian Woodrum; Fr. Harold & Stephanie in memory of loved ones; Maureen Robison in memory of Ken & Charlie; Finch in memory of Mom; Anita Terpening in memory of my husband Alan, my daughter Gail, and my granddaughter Rachele; Mary Hargraves in thanksgiving of family; Jan Nottenbaum in thanksgiving for new beginnings; Gen & Jerry Clapp in thanksgiving for our blessings and in memory of Marion Potts; Linda Griggs for God’s children; Widget Kidd-McClure in memory of George McClure.

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In Person Worship


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Guidelines and Protocols for Resuming  Worship On-Site

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic St. Andrews will offer in person, on-site services in a modified format. This format addresses safety concerns for both parishioners and those conducting worship services including the clergy, members of the music ministry and other assisting lay persons in various roles.

Phase 2/Small Service

Date: Wednesday, February 17th and forward.

Location of services: Inside the church utilizing every 4th pew for seating.

Policy Change: The only additional requirement to moving our services back indoors is that people take the extra precaution of wearing two masks while on-premise.

Prior to the Service:

Please enter through the front doors of the church, the office and parish hall will remain closed TFN.

Parishioners not feeling well before coming to church need to stay home to care for themselves and protect others.

Everyone will have their temperature taken, before entering the church with a thermal non-contact thermometer. Anyone who presents with a fever will be asked to return home and seek medical attention as may be necessary.

Everyone will be expected to wear a mask upon leaving their vehicle and during the service except while taking communion. Additional masks will be provided by the church at no cost for those who need them.

Parishioners will be asked to practice hand washing prior to coming to church. Upon entry to the church parishioners will be asked to practice hand hygiene using had sanitizer which will be made available. Hand sanitizer will also be available in the narthex and frequent use is encouraged such as prior and after receiving Communion and prior to leaving at the end of the service

The church doors will be opened 10 minutes prior to the start of service. Parishioners are to remain in their cars until that time.   The Service will not start until everyone is seated.

Once inside and seated, parishioners are to remain there for the entire service, except for to receive Communion.  Rows will be blocked off so that alternate pews will be used between the choir and front rows of the church. We have ample space .

The Collection Plate will be placed at the back of the church so that upon entering offerings may be deposited in the plate.

Doors and windows in the church will be left open during the services to increase fresh air flow. Parishioners will enter and exit through the front doors of the church only.

During the Service:

A single person will read all appropriate readings for the day.

Communion will be limited to receiving the Host only. Instructions will be given as to where Communion will be administered as well as guidance for maintaining social distancing while moving from and back to the pew.

After the Service:

At the conclusion of the service the ushers will cue those in the pews when to exit so as to maintain an orderly departure while maintain social distancing.

There will be no formal fellowship gatherings, such as Coffee Hour, until Phase 3. If parishioners wish to speak to others following the service, a 6 minimum feet distance must be maintained and masks must be worn. Parishioners will be reminded to watch out for others as they return to their vehicles.

Restrooms will be available only on an emergency basis. Parishioners are strongly encouraged to plan accordingly prior to arrival. Should there be an emergent need the individual will be escorted to the office and the rest room will be sanitized immediately after use.

All access to the rest of the building will be strictly prohibited, this includes the sacristies, choir room, rest rooms and offices.

All accessed surfaces will be disinfected after the service.

Please note:

As national, state, and local health department recommendations are modified, the practices will be modified to be in concert with those recommendations.