Celebrating 100 years: 1921- 2021

Sunday Rite II Service

04 Sep 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:15 am
Place : 4816 Glen Street
Phone : 6194607272
Email : office@standrewslamesa.org

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Guidelines for Worship On-Site

Every Sunday at 10am

Dates: August 21st, 2022 – TFN

Location of service: Inside the church


Updated Guidelines for worship:

NEW > We are restarting Godly Play for children and encourage families to join us on Sunday’s at St. Andrew’s. There is a play area for the kids prior to the start of the service which begins with a children’s sermon with Fr. Bob. The children are then taken to the Parish Hall for Godly Play and return to their family just prior to communion.

CURRENT > In consideration of others who come to worship with you at St. Andrew’s, we ask everyone to make the small sacrifice of wearing a mask while indoors to help protect the most vulnerable in our community. Masks will be available at the greeters table. This is the only additional precaution we are asking at this time. If you are unvaccinated or due for a booster, we ask that you wear a mask  and sit towards the back of the church where fresh air best circulates from open doors and windows.

Parishioners not feeling well before coming to church need to stay home to care for themselves and protect others.

The church doors will be opened 45 minutes prior to the start of service.

Doors and windows in the church will be left open during the services to increase fresh air flow.

Our services are in regular format with readers, choir, hymns, and communion.


Please note:

As national, state, and local health department recommendations are modified, the practices will be modified to be in concert with those recommendations.