Celebrating 100 years: 1921- 2021

Sunday Mass Livestream

24 Oct 2021 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
sunday online mass
Place : www.standrewslamesa.org
Phone : 6194607272
Email : office@standrewslamesa.org

We have made some changes to our Bulletin moving forward. This was done to be able to provide larger print bulletins for those in church while also reducing the weekly print load for those joining us at home.

The Main Bulletin will no longer change from week to week, therefore, you can print it once and reuse it for following Sundays. For those joining us in church, you may keep your copy or leave it in the back of the church as you exit and it will be reused the following week if it is in good condition. The Main Bulletin will be updated in the Fall as we move into Advent and pieces of our Mass change.

The Weekly Insert is just a two page document and it includes the weekly Hymns, Readings and Gospel. This is now what you will print on a weekly basis when joining us from home.


Get The Main Bulletin (REVISED BULLETIN Rite II)

Get The Weekly Insert (Print Weekly)

View Sunday Mass at St. Andrew’s