St. Andrew’s will be providing Sunday Mass inside of our church. All of our services will continue to be broadcast online for those who wish to maintain their physical distancing by joining us from home.
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic St. Andrews will offer in person services in our church with a slightly modified format.
July 31st, 2021 until further notice.
As of July 31st, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is asking everyone to return to wearing masks indoors due to the spread of the covid/delta variant. This will be the only modification to services at this time.
10:00am in St. Andrew’s Church
Location of services:
Inside the church. The back of the church will continue to use alternate pews for seating. All pews at the front of the church will be open. We ask that those who have not completed their vaccinations to sit towards the back of the church where you will have the best fresh air flow and physical spacing.
Updated Guidelines:
Parishioners not feeling well before coming to church need to stay home to care for themselves and protect others.
EDSD has reinstated masking while indoors on church property.
The church doors will be opened approximately 45 minutes prior to the start of service. Parish Hall restrooms are open on Sunday’s.
Doors and windows in the church will be left open during the services to increase fresh air flow.
During the Service:
Hymns have been added back into Sunday Mass.
Godly play will not be available for children at this time. Children will remain with their families throughout the service.
Communion will be limited to receiving the Host only. You will come forward to the rail to receive.
Please note:
As national, state, and local health department recommendations are modified, the practices will be modified to be in concert with those recommendations.
ncert with those recommendations.