Celebrating 100 years: 1921- 2021

San Juan Bosco Orphanage Trip

12 Sep 2015 | 08:30 am - 07:00 pm


The Outreach Team will be going to San Juan Bosco Orphanage in Tecate on Saturday, September 12th at 8:30 AM. We will make the kids a noon meal and provide some lessons on responsible living issues. We usually get back about 7:00 PM. It is an all day time commitment. When we’re done at the orphanage, we usually go out for some tacos in town before heading home. If you are interested in coming with us and have a passport, let us know in advance so that transportation can be planned. Contact Eric Buckenmeyer at 619-589-8073.

We also need people to bake cookies, which will be the kids’ dessert. Please leave them in the freezer in the parish hall any day before the trip.