View/Print The ProgramView St. Andrew’s Organ Recital
To celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of St. Andrew’s and to showcase our new state of the art Allen GX350 organ, the first of this model to be installed anywhere, we will be hosting a Saturday afternoon recital with Guest Organists from around San Diego and our surrounding communities. Each of our organists will perform a couple of titles in their own preferred style and over the afternoon, many of the capabilities of this new instrument will be demonstrated.The organ installed here at St. Andrew’s was custom designed for our church and it incorporates the original 31 bank Simpson Pipe Organ that has served our church up until now. In addition to incorporating the original pipes, the GX350 adds 66 Digital Stops along with Allen Organ’s APEX floating point technology which provides 65 times more resolution than existing fixed point systems. That is a lot of fancy technical stuff to say that this organ is beyond impressive.
Our Guest Organists for the Gala include (presented in alphabetical order):
Gabriel Arregui, George Butterfield, Robert MacLeod, Russ Peck, Cheryl Seppala, Wayne Seppala, Dale Sorenson, Suzanne Shick and Jerry Stirtz.
The recital is open to all and it will be live-streamed at for those who would like to attend virtually from home. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.
We hope that you and your family will be able to join us for an afternoon of joyful organ music in St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.