Pastor Ronnie’s Wednesday Night Lenten Study
This Lent at St. Andrew’s, Pastor Ronnie invites you to join us in the discipline of study as we read the book
“Prayer in the Night” by Trish Harrison Warren. The book is based on her experience of what she calls “a very dark year,” in which she lost two pregnancies, lost her father, moved across the country, and became “unable to approach God anymore.” In the book, she shares how she made it through this difficult time and offers a prayerful approach to the difficulties we all experience in our lives, framed around a nightime prayer of Compline.
The study will meet for five Wednesdays beginning February 21st. They will meet at 6pm in the Parish Hall for supper and then will transition to a discussion of the book. There is a sign-up sheet at the Greeter’s table for those who want to bring a soup or salad to share.
All are welcome to join us on this journey this Lent.