Start baking now and deliver your cookies for the Kairos Cookie Sunday on October 19th. Please package the cookies in clear, Ziploc-type bags (quart size). Place only one dozen cookies in each bag and please DO NOT use tinfoil or wire twist ties (cookies will be thoroughly inspected). Mark your bags Kairos and put them in the church freezer!
For those not familiar with Kairos, the homemade cookies are for prisoners at Donovan State Prison, who are participating in a 3-day Kairos weekend, which is so often life changing. The Kairos weekend offers selected prisoners an opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ, literally immersing them in the love, grace, hope, and forgiveness found in Christ. Countless homemade cookies, made by complete strangers from churches throughout the county, are just a small part of the love and acceptance these prisoners experience during this weekend. Each evening, participants also take cookies back to their “yards,” to share with their fellow prisoners not participating in the program.