Prayer Team
St. Andrews Prayer Team is a lifeline to many church members and nonmembers. Our prayers are all Scripture based, so they are both powerful (we pray God’s promises) and uplifting (how awesome are His promises!!). We pray according to people’s needs, including healing, protection, grieving, peace and strength, wisdom, financial needs, and addictions. We also pray for our Nation, the Unity of Christ’s Church, the spread of God’s Kingdom, and world issues (e.g. for persecuted Christians and victims of war, oppression, hunger, and human trafficking.)
We pray at home and communicate primarily by e-mail, which is how we receive our confidential prayer requests and also the way we receive updates about the status of from people on our prayer list. We meet together once every 6-8 weeks, during which we enjoy fellowship and a teaching on prayer. Come join the Prayer Team and support those in need through prayer.