Celebrating 100 years: 1921- 2021


To my Family at St Andrews,


As I think everyone is aware, I spent the months of February and March away from the church seeking the next call our Lord had for me.  Was I to remain at St Andrews to continue in preaching, teaching and praying as I had been doing; or was I to do something different.  In late April it became clear to me I was to move on and begin the same ministry elsewhere, both for spreading the Gospel and for stretching me.  The “stretching me” part was unexpected and a bit concerning I have to admit, but then it’s always exciting to move in a new direction that the Lord is calling.  So Dar and I returned to church in early April to worship one more time with our family and to tell folks of my decision.  Later, the vestry thought it would be a good idea if I wrote a letter, to be included in the One Accord, telling of my discernment results.  I agreed and so here I am, very sad to move away from my church home, yet excited to be on a new path.  Several things are clear to Dar and me once again: change is eternal, nothing stays the same; and, trusting in Jesus, that He will always guide us on the best path, is always the best choice.  I’ve been invited back on May 28th to preach one more time which is such an honor so we will see you all then.  Thank you.  


I am also blessed to hear of the wonderful work Ronnie is continuing and the blessings Fr Wayne and Cathy are bringing each Sunday.  You all truly are a remarkable family, which I give thanks constantly to be a part of.  I think our Lord blesses St Andrew’s because St Andrew’s continues to praise Him, give thanks to Him and to serve Him in the community in so many wonderful ways.  Thank you all for accepting and loving Dar and myself these many years, thank you all for the love you showed Dianne through her healthy, and even dying, days.  Your support of the Nibbs family is and has been overwhelming, far beyond any simple words of thanks I can conjure up.  


Lastly, just to answer any hanging questions, the Lord has called me to work with Fr Russell Martin at Christ the King Church in Poway.  I’ve known Fr Russ since before his seminary days when we served together on vestry at St Andrews in the late “90s.  We’ve worked together in prayer ministry, off and on, over the years and now, it seems, we’ll be working more closely together in various ministries.  So, that’s where we are … off on new paths!  If I’m not being to presumptuous (which I am, but I’ll do it anyway), I’d like to end with this blessing:


May our Lord continue to richly bless each of you and St Andrews as a whole: may He hold you in the palm of His hand: may He continue to breathe His Spirit of Life into you: and may He draw each of you ever more closely to Him.


In Christ’s service and Love,

